Once an atom loses an electron,
it gains a charge
and can be guided by a magnetic field.
it gains a charge
and can be guided by a magnetic field.
Thought Experiment's (TE's) notional spacecraft uses a particle accelerator to bring fuel particles to very high speeds. At such velocities, a relatively small mass of exhaust particles could accelerate a larger spaceship at g-force to simulate gravity and gain enormous speeds.
![]() As mentioned in previous work, it's very likely that initial g-force vessels will use water supplies exported from Earth's oceans. | ||||||||
2. Injectors. After water becomes ions, they must enter the wave guide. A typical injection process requires three types of magnets: cyclotrons, kickers and septa. Cyclotrons provides the initial boost of speed. Historically, the cyclotron was one of the first particle accelerators; now, it is commonly used as an injector for much larger synchrotrons. A cyclotron has two D-shaped electromagnets (thus, "Dees"). A plasma source emits charged particles at the center of the cyclotron, and the magnetic field bends the ion's path into a constant velocity circle inside the Dees. To accelerate ions, the cyclotron uses a radio wave generator to alternate positive and negative electrical charges between the two Dees. As an ion circles around the cyclotron, it crosses the gap between the two D-shaped cavities. If the charge on the cavity in front of the ion is negative; then, the cavity behind it is positive; thus, the positive ion is compelled to move forward (attracted by the cavity in front and repelled by the cavity behind). ![]() As ions gain speed, their radii increase, and they spiral outwards. With proper timing, the ions always see a negative charge in front and a positive charge behind when it crosses the gap between the Dees. The resultant combination of forces accelerates the ions.
Kicker magnets use pulsed magnets to inject ions into a storage ring. These magnets are driven by a high voltage modulator to produce magnetic fields with very fast rise and fall times (so that the field is only present when the bunch chosen for extraction/injection is passing, and not the previous or subsequent bunches). Timing injection is extremely important as well as beam release and storage duration.
A “septum” separates two field regions (such as an injected beam and the main beam) to provide essential stability for the two beams to gently merge, | ||||||||
3. Beam Pipe.
In these large circular devices, plasma particles orbit in tightly controlled beams under the influence of magnets. The wave guide for the particles looks like a large thin torus (commonly described as a "doughnut shape"). However, the pipe uses straight sections between the bending magnets to achieve a circle like path, a polygon with rounded corners. A path of large effective radius may thus be constructed with many segments.
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The ideally timed particle will see zero accelerating voltage.
o If particles arrive early; they decelerate to fall back toward the ideal.
o If they arrive late; they accelerate to gain on the ideal particle.
As particles travel the beam pipe for thousands of orbits, they cluster together to form distinct "bunches" about the ideal particles.
Klystrons produce microwaves, electron beams. Thus, beams of negatively charged electrons attract and guide bunches of positively charged ions.Klystrons transmit power via a rectangular waveguide to each RF cavity. Electromagnetic fields are excited in the cavity by coupling in an RF source with an antenna. When the RF frequency fed by the antenna is the same as that of a cavity mode, the resonant fields build to high amplitudes. Charged particles passing through apertures in the cavity are then accelerated by the electric fields and deflected by the magnetic fields.
6. Superconductors
Cable-in-Conduit Conductor (CICC)
CICCs efficiently cool directly from the inside out. Even with tightly packed wires, there remains plenty of room for liquid helium to flow through and provide a low-temperature environment for wires to superconduct.
o CICC magnets quickly turn off/on. Changing magnetic fields produce heat, but CICC magnets can handle heat due to liquid helium immersion of windings.
o CICC magnets are very flexible. They can combine with resistive magnets to form hybrid magnets, together creating a magnetic field that neither the superconducting magnet nor the resistive magnet could achieve alone.
| Wire-Wound (WW) magnets maintain low temperature with 100 layers of insulation.. Completed WW magnet goes inside a cryostat to keep the magnet cold enough to super-conduct. Thus, WW magnets don't need liquid helium inside the cables.
o WW magnets ramp up very slowly to stay cool. With coolant on the outside, internal windings can't handle the heat from a changing magnetic field.
o WW magnets provide an uniform field with no power requirements. After ramp up, WW magnets disconnect power, but superconducting continues for an ultra-smooth current; thus, an ultra-smooth, consistent magnetic field precisely controls particles' path for a very long time.
Thought Experiment assumes on board accelerators will use both types. However, vast majority of space borne superconducting electro-magnets will be Wire Wound (WW). WW magnet easily maintains same size mag-field. | |
Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology applies electrical superconductors to radio frequency devices. Minuscule resistance allows SRF resonator to obtain an extremely high quality factor, Q, with very low loss and narrow bandwidth. High Q cavities enable high-performance particle accelerators. SRF cavities' resonant frequency typically ranges from 200 MHz to 3 GHz, depending on the particle species to be accelerated.
Accelerators typically use resonant RF cavities coated with superconducting materials. The most common fabrication technology stamps thin walled (1–3 mm) shell components from pure niobium sheets and then welds these shell components together to form cavities.
SRF cavities gain significant benefits
a) High Duty Cycles. SRF cavities excite electromagnetic fields to much higher levels than possible for resistive cavities; copper cavities would melt at such levels.
b) Larger Particle Beams. The low electrical loss in an SRF cavity enables large beam pipe apertures with a high accelerating field along the beam axis.
c) Efficient Power Transmission. SRF power goes to beam particles not to the cavity walls. With negligible RF power dissipated in the SRF cavity walls, RF sources need only maintain the particle beam power. |
A storage ring is an evacuated pipe
passing through a ring of magnets.
With a constant magnetic field,
charged particles can then circulate in the ring indefinitely.
The geometry is the same as for the synchrotron;
in fact, a storage ring is basically a synchrotron
without the RF cavity.
Accelerating particles up to their design energies
may take only seconds;
however, particles could orbit for hours until extracted.
Vacuum is a stringent requirement for both synchrotrons and storage rings.
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8. Vacuum System.
There's plenty of vacuum in deep space.
With Early Particle Accelerators, scientists quickly realized:
"In a poor vacuum,
circulating particles frequently bump into air molecules."
As the particle bunches travel many thousands of kilometers (near the speed of light for many hours), any residual gas in the beam pipe will cause numerous collisions to take particles out of the propulsion path. Therefore, a better vacuum produces better propulsion performance.
Fortunately, air molecules are rare in space; thus, vacuum requirement will be easier to implement in our spaceship than on Earth.
Perhaps spaceship will use clam shell doors to help remove and replace synchrotronic propulsion engines. With clam shell doors open, vessel aft will be completely exposed to extreme cold and complete vacuum. |
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When doors close, the resulting seam could retain well designed gaps to maintain a constant vacuum.
Forward portion of vessel needs a seal to retain its Earth like atmosphere. It needs insulation to protect against the inevitable synchrotron radiation due to numerous turns taken by numerous particles.
NOTE: The deep space temp of 3° K might directly benefit the super-coolant needs of superconductors. Alternatively, it might indirectly benefit by enabling production of liquid gas to bath certain portions of superconducting equipment. |
![]() Liquefied gases can super cool the electro-magnetic materials.
Superconductors operate best in extreme cold best described by the Kelvin temperature scale where 0°K = -273°C. Thus, water freezes at 273°K and boils at 373°K.
such magnets can produce higher fields with much less power than conventional "resistive" magnets. Thus, gases quickly liquefy via direct exposure to ambient space.
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10. Particle Detectors
![]() Observe collisions; learn how to avoid them. Current synchrotrons have a scientific purpose; they accelerate particles to purposely create collisions; thus, particle detectors observe collided particles.. Accelerate particles to max momentum with minimal collision loss. Thus, space borne detectors must alert operator to all collisions.
Many earthbound accelerators use detectors for scientific experiments to investigate the internals of atomic scale objects. However, space borne detectors are not there to watch for experimental collisions but as a design feature to monitor and minimize collisions. Thus, particle detectors must monitor and record the results of particle collisions. With fewer particle collisions, more particles exit exhaust portal to contribute to exhaust momentum; thus, better propulsion performance.
Types of detectors include:
o Vertex detector - detects particle tracks. o Drift chamber - detects particle positions at several points along their tracks. Curved tracks reveal the momentum of the particle (related to its mass and velocity). o Cerenkov detector - sees radiation given off by rapidly moving particles and determines the particles' velocity
Our notional spaceship would use its accelerator and its storage rings in a slightly different way. Since the ship's accelerator is part of the propulsion system, its purpose is to prepare high speed particles for discharge from the vehicle for an advantageous momentum exchange. Since momentum depends on mass as well as velocity, propulsion would gain from heavier particles being expelled; thus, the storage rings would concentrate on heavier ions and for ways to optimize their storage.
MAJOR DISTINCTION: For g-force propulsion, spaceship accelerators need minimal particle collisions.
Objective: Maximize propulsion efficiency; thus, minimize collision loss.
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First Particle Accelerator was constructed by Cockcroft and Walton. It was a voltage multiplier with an intricate stack of capacitors connected to rectifying diodes used as switches. By opening and closing switches in proper sequence they created a potential of 800 kilovolts from a transformer of 200 kilovolts. They used this potential to accelerate protons down an evacuated tube eight feet long; they made history.
In 1927, he went to Cambridge University to work for Lord Rutherford at the Cavendish Lab. Walton was awarded a PhD in 1931. |
Electrostatic Accelerators. The first particle accelerators used a single static high voltage to accelerate charged particles. Widely used today, they are more suited to lower energy studies due to their practical voltage limit of about 30 MV. Several such devices can be connected in series to further accelerate the particles.
Linear Accelerators (LINACs) use oscillating electric fields to accelerate particles in a straight line. LINACs perform much better than electrostatic accelerators; HOWEVER, they have obvious limits. Their finite distance limits their acceleration potential. Particles enter one end, travel a limited distance; finally, exit or impact at the other end. Acceleration could greatly increase if particles could keep going.
Cyclotrons were the earliest operational circular accelerators; a cyclotron is a large dipole magnet with a constant magnetic field. In such a field, a radio frequency (RF) power source drives the charged particles to orbit at a constant “cyclotron frequency”. The particles start circling near the center of the magnet and spiral outwards as they gain energy; they eventually exit at the outer edge as they attain their maximum energy.
Like LINACs, cyclotrons have their own limits; increasing particle's velocity increased their turn radius (resulting in particle's spiraling path, typical of cyclotron); so, they must soon exit the device. However, both LINACs and cyclotrons are now used as "feeders" for much more powerful accelerators.
Cyclic Accelerators can achieve much more energy then cyclotrons. In cyclic accelerators, particles orbit in a circular beam guide until they achieve desired energy. Cyclic accelerators use ;electromagnets to bend particle path.
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Synchrotron is an evacuated beam pipe encased in hundreds of magnets; synchrotron design assigns several functions to distinct magnet groups. It uses RF power sources to accelerate ions to near light speed, c, in a constant radius ring. RF amplitude cycles cause the particles to form “bunches”, which regularly eject to an external beam.
As an advanced, cyclic particle accelerator, it synchronizes the magnetic fields (turns the particles to circulate in numerous orbits) and the electric fields (to accelerate the particles) with the traveling particle beam. While the overall shape is circular, the synchrotron is divided into many straight sections of beam pipe between specified bending magnets. In these straight sections, look for other devices such as RF cavities, focusing magnets, ejectors, injectors, detectors, etc. Synchrotron’s overall placement of devices is often called a “lattice”; the lattice design has developed into an entire discipline, "beam physics" or "beam optics".
Storage Ring. Some applications must store beams of high energy particles for some time (high vacuum technology enables storage for many hours) without further acceleration. A storage ring can store multiple beams; even counter rotating beams (moving in opposite directions). It is customary to first accelerate the beams to the desired energy, and then store them in storage rings, essentially synchrotron rings with magnets but without RF cavities.
To split the atom, Cockcroft and Walton (C&W) needed a "high voltage generator" to generate a high speed, proton stream. Therefore, C&W were compelled to co-invent the high voltage generator. During not so prosperous times, they scoured the British countryside for discarded glass sight tubes from petrol pumps which they stacked to form the acceleration tube. They used this apparatus in 1932 to accelerate protons for the very first time. This was a remarkable feat, but this achievement alone would not have secured their place in science history which they now hold. C&W were the first scientists to literally split an atom into two parts. By stripping electrons from hydrogen atoms, they used the high electrical voltage to accelerate numerous proton ions as a stream of near light speed protons. They were the first to "split" the atom by bombarding lithium with a proton stream. Thus, a very few of the billions of protons encountered a lithium atom and caused it to break into two helium atoms. Thus, they were able to transmute lithium into helium. After this Nobel winning accomplishment, C&W both went on to distinguished scientific careers.
Source documents:Engines of Discovery, A Century of Particle Accelerators, by Andrew Sessler and Edmund Wilson. page xii.A Force of Nature, The Frontier Genius of Ernest Rutherford, by Richard Reeves.The Fly in the Cathedral, How a Group of Cambridge Scientists won the International Race to Split the Atom, by Brian Cathcart | |
Earliest Particle Accelerators: The Competition
Cockcroft and Walton led the Cavendish effort to build the first effective particle accelerator. However, they were one of five scientific teams vying to accomplish this impressive task.
Simpler Synchrotron Considerations:
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Thus, a synchrotron constantly adjusts both the electic field and the magnetic field (much simpler cyclotron keeps both static). By adjusting these parameters as the ions gain energy, particles' path stays constant as they accelerate.
Major accelerator facilities use LINACs and cyclotrons as initial stages and synchrotrons as the final acceleration stages. Particles accelerate due to radio frequency (RF) electric fields at RF cavities along this same circumference. Magnetic fields must increase in synchrony with the RF induced acceleration to keep the particles on the constant radius path. Such accelerators work with charged particles such as protons or electrons, and even with heavier positive ions. Thus, the wave guide for the particles will likely be a large, doughnut shaped torus . Current technology synchrotrons can produce a pencil-thin beam of particles with over 100,000 times the energy of the most energetic natural radioactive emission.
The highest performing accelerators make huge use of superconducting cryomodules, superconducting magnets and superconducting RF cavity resonators.
Component | Accelerator Purpose | Leverage Space Environ |
Plasma Source | Transform water into ions for acceleration. | o Export water from terrestrial . o Import ices from extraterrestrial comets |
Injector | Puts ions into wave guide. | Rate determined by ship's mass. |
Beam Pipe | vacuum tube provides path for particle beam. | Design determined by size/shape of ship. |
Magnets | steer and focus the particle beam. | Design determined by size/shape of ship. |
RF Cavities | generate microwaves for the particles to ride. | Required for particle acceleration. |
Superconductors | Save enormous energy | Required for magnet practicality. |
Storage Rings | orbit particles until extraction. | Key design factor. |
Vacuum System | keeps wave guide completely clear. | Plenty of vacuum in deep space. |
Cooling System | removes heat generated by equipment. | Plenty of cold in space (4° K); can make liquid hydrogen from water supplies. |
Detectors | examines radiation from particles colliding with each other and with walls of wave guide. | Needed for efficiency as well as safety concerns. Not easy to repair wave guide, even harder during powered flight. |
Particle Ejection | Puts ions into exhaust ports. | Rate determined by efficiency. |
James *Jason* Wentworth (e-mail: )
Hello Jim,
I am a lifelong space exploration and exploitation advocate, and I read—and have occasionally contributed articles to—Paul Gilster’s Centauri Dreams blog . He is intrigued by your propulsion “Thought Experiments” (such as your particle accelerator engines: ), as am I. (If you would be interested in writing an article for his blog—which is read by many researchers in the interstellar [and interplanetary] spaceflight community—I think he would be interested in publishing it [although I can’t speak for him, of course].) Also, I just came across your ion-drive thought experiment , and it raises four questions, which touch upon your “ion engines as injectors into a larger engine” idea (Paul couldn’t answer my questions, but perhaps you can). They are as follows:
[1] Do large, up-scaled ion engines (like the big, “starship-size” one depicted by Chesley Bonestell, in Willy Ley’s 1964 book “Beyond the Solar System” [see: and ]) have any advantages (besides *not* having the burden of extra mass of the numerous pipes, wiring harnesses, and propellant pipes of numerous clustered small ion thrusters) over clusters of smaller ones? (Such a large, gridded ion thruster—or such a big Hall Effect thruster, perhaps one having numerous concentric, “nested” ‘thrust ring slots’—might provide room for extra sets of accelerator grids [one 1960s-vintage Glenn L. Martin Company cesium ion thruster had five grids!] or, for a big Hall Effect thruster, extra—or longer—accelerator coils.)
[2] Could sodium and/or sulfur be used as ion thruster fuels? (Both appear to be easily ionize-able, and they have pretty high atomic masses; also, both are readily accessible from Mercury, Io, and/or our Moon. Mercury also has plenty of heavy metals, such as cesium and [appropriately for that planet! :-) ] mercury, both of which are also effective ion engine propellants.)
[3] Looking at older mercury-fueled and cesium-fueled ion engines, I saw that their exhaust beam neutralizers weren’t electron guns, but were simple filaments. Could the problems of metal contamination of the spacecraft (which was one of the reasons why cesium and mercury fell out of favor as ion engine propellants) be eliminated (or at least greatly reduced) if such engines employed electron gun beam neutralizers instead of filaments? (If so, Mercury—and probably also our Moon and some asteroids [especially metallic ones]—contain large amounts of mercury and cesium.) Also:
[4] I found that the 1973 Soviet conference on CETI (Communication with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) included papers about studies of ion-drive interstellar probes. They concluded that with then-current technology, ion-drive starprobes capable of reaching 5% of c, the speed of light, were feasible (such probes, which would depart from Earth orbit, would be about the size of a Saturn rocket). If that was feasible with 1973 technology, what might be feasible with today’s ion propulsion (and Hall Effect thruster) technology?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
-- Jason
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